Parish Council
The parish council is here to serve the community and has responsibility for local issues, including: evaluating local planning applications; working with local police, Somerset Council officers, and neighbourhood watch groups on matters of crime, security, and traffic; maintenance and repair of parish facilities; as well as consulting with Somerset Council on the maintenance, repair, and improvement of highways, drainage, footpaths, public transport, and street cleaning.
Vice Chairmanof the Council
Mr Jeremy Toye
01823 660827
Council Liaison to the Nynehead Memorial Hall Committee
View Member's Interests
Mrs Rachael Ball Risk
01823 975826
Chairperson of Nynehead Jubilee Playing Field
View Member's Interests
Clerk to the Council
Local Somerset Unitary Councillors
Member of Parliament for Taunton Deane
Declaration of Nynehead Parish Electors’ Rights
View, print, or download a PDF copy of the Declaration of Electors’ Rights:
View Declaration